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  • Writer's pictureRev Claire

Sunday Worship 26th April 2020 - Faith in a time of crisis: Faith Inspired

Today we are beginning a new series looking at Hebrews 11 - that great passage all about faith where we hear of the Biblical characters who have endured all sorts of trials as they have sought to follow God. There is a lot to learn from their stories and their stories can speak into what we are going through today. Lockdown is a time of re-evaluation, of exploring, of thinking through our faith and a time of getting closer to God. As we unpack this chapter, may it be a blessing to you and help you to grow in faith in this time.

As has become our custom, we will be meeting after the 11am service on zoom, but today we will be not only meeting for coffee, but also for communion, so get your bread and wine ready and join us here if you can at 12.15pm. If you haven't been able to get onto zoom there are numbers you can dial in with from a normal phone with no need to download the app - please contact Claire, our minister for further details.

This week we are calling the church together to prayer at 6.30pm on Tuesday 28th April. We will be gathering on zoom using the link above. Please join us if you can as we lift this world to God together.

Next week on Wednesday 6th May at 8pm we will be starting a zoom Bible study digging deeper into the book of Hebrews. More details to follow.

As we gather to worship today, take a moment, find a quiet place and be still, because wherever we are, we know Christ is with us because he promised "surely I will be with you always". Christ is here, with us in our isolation.

He is our creator

A playlist for the service today. You might want to play the last two towards the end of the service.

Today we're thinking all about faith. What does it mean to have faith? Creation inspires our faith. Here is a different re-telling of the story of creation from Genesis 1

Who do you choose to trust?

What do you love about creation? Why don't you use your daily walk today or go in your garden or just look out of the window and notice the bits of creation that inspire you. Perhaps, if you can, take something home and make a display or take some pictures or create a picture with what is at home to celebrate God's creation to inspire you to keep going when its tough. Share it with us after the service on zoom or on whatsapp or on our facebook page. Pray and thank God for the things that inspire you in creation.

Prayers led by Chigo, Bundo and Kene

And our sermon today based on Hebrews 1:1-3 brought by Claire

Don't forget to join us for communion on zoom at 12.15pm. The words we will be using are here

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