New Addington Baptist Church
Caring Together Sharing Together
Welcome to New Addington Baptist Church
We are a diverse community of people who want to explore and grow in faith in Jesus Christ together. We are called to follow Jesus in loving God, loving our neighbours and in sharing His Good News within the wider community.
We meet every Sunday at 11am for worship. All are welcome. Sermons are recorded live and released afterwards on our YouTube channel - you can find more info here . All of our services have something for adults and children and we love to express our faith in lots of different ways. The first Sunday of the month we have an interactive all age service and normally have a meal afterwards.
We love our church and look to make it a place of security and trust as we seek to love like God loves us, offering a welcome that says that it is OK not to be OK.
If you want to support our work in the community with donations, time or in any other way take a look at our giving page
Our Minister
Currently Vacant
Leadership Team
Our leadership team take up the responsibility of the day to day running of our church and community family project. They are:
Vic Overton - Church Secretary and Deacon
Linda Brownett - Pastoral and Safeguarding Co-ordinator (children) and Deacon
Simon Church - Deacon with responsibility for overseeing worship
Sandra Thompson - Deacon
Jo Brown - Community Family Project Worker and Safeguarding Co-ordinator (vulnerable adults)
Steph Crooks - Deacon
David Emakpose - Deacon
We also have a team of elders who are committed to praying for and supporting the leadership team

New Addington Baptist Church is a member of Baptists Together and the Evangelical Alliance and we believe that the best decision we can make in life is to follow Jesus.
When Jesus was asked what the most important commandment was he said it was to love God and love others. This is what we commit to doing as we actively seek to share and care together in the community of New Addington. As followers of Jesus we have a great message to share and we show what God is like through our words and actions. As we share life with others, we endeavour to share something of the transformation that knowing Jesus has brought into our lives.