Welcome to worship. We continue our summer series, exploring the big story of God. This week we look at Joshua 1:1-18, as the Israelites were preparing to enter the Promised Land.
We are also meeting in person and this online service is a repeat of our in person service. If you are coming in person we would encourage you to wear a mask, particularly for singing.
Coming Up
Date for your diary - we are holding a baptismal service on the 19th September
Make lunch was the usual success over the last four weeks. Thank you to everyone who was involved. We had well over 20 children attend with parents or guardians and the atmosphere was a joy to witness. Please pray for those families as we continue to have contact with them, that God will provide opportunities to shine his light and share his love and his word with them. Please pray for those who have the contact that God will open their eyes, ears and hearts to recognise these opportunities and that they will have the courage and the words.
In September we hope to have Sunday Zone up and running. If you would like to volunteer to be a helper in Sunday Zone (no planning involved) then please get in touch - we need people to help out for one Sunday a month. You will need a DBS check. Please get in touch with one of the leaders (while Claire is away) if you are interested. In September, so long as we are able to run Sunday Zone, we will initially be moving back to a pattern of one family service (on the first Sunday of the month) and three services with sermons (which will be online). We hope to bring back first Sunday lunches when things feel a little bit safer.....
5th September - In person family service (no online service)
12th September - In person and online with sermon and Sunday Zone first day back!
19th September - In person baptismal service!
Call to Worship
God of the open road,
God of the twisting path,
God of the narrow and upward way,
your people are gathered for worship!
In this hour, give us provision for the journey,
courage and faith and compassion,
and endurance to face any hardship.
Open our eyes to see you walking beside us,
protecting us, encouraging us, loving us.
We pray this in the name of Jesus,
who moves us, Amen
From Leadingworship.com
Here are the songs for this week. You may want to save the last two for after the sermon
Our sermon today is based on Joshua 1:1-18. You may want to read it first. You'll find it here