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Sunday 13th December Hope in the Shadows - Finding Joy

Writer's picture: Rev ClaireRev Claire

Welcome to our service today. It's all about joy! We will follow the service with communion on zoom at 12.15pm. Please bring your own bread and wine. The link is here. If you are not able to make it on zoom, the words for communion are at the end of this service.

We are sadly postponing our outdoor carol singing this afternoon as the weather is not our friend. We may do some spontaneous carol singing one evening but it will depend on restrictions (particularly if we go into tier 3).

Next week (20th) we will be meeting in person at 11am (which will be a communion service). In the evening we invite you to join with the New Addington Salvation Army at 6pm for their Community Carol Service and follow that by Carol Singing with the New Addington Baptist Church Community on zoom (usual link) at 7pm.

Please note that all donations for Christmas hampers need to be in by today. Please contact us if you have not been able to drop off.

To see what Mary and Joseph have been up to this week, click on the link below. Some happiness, some shocks and some unexpected plan changes. What will happen next? 2020 is a strange year.


Steph and Alan light our 3rd Advent Candle and lead us into worship this week.

Songs for Worship - you might want to save a couple for towards the end


How are your nativity scenes going?

This week we are colouring in and cutting out the wise men and the camel. If you don't have a copy of the nativity yet you can download them here:

Watch the video to find out more and for some questions to think about as you are adding to your nativity scene


In a week where we have suffered loss as a church community, let us pray for victims of Covid-19 and for signs of hope - this prayer is written by Nick Fawcett and can be found here

God of mercy,

hear our prayer for all those whose lives,

during this past year,

have been overturned by Covid-19;

those who have suffered and died,

those who still struggle with the after-effects of the illness;

those who have lost loved ones as a result;

those in our hospitals and health centres

exhausted by the demands made upon them;

those in our nursing and residential homes,

who have been so vulnerable,

yet who have felt so isolated;

those who have developed vaccines and treatments,

or who continue to work upon them,

and those whose job it will be to organise and roll out the vaccination programme;

those in governments and positions in leadership,

seeking to take right decisions for the present and the future;

those whose livelihoods have been undermined,

even destroyed,

by the economic impact of lockdowns and the like;

those facing years of unemployment

and an uncertain future

as a result of the pandemic’s impact.

Our country,

our society,

our world,

is broken –


but hoping;

fearful of the future,

yet praying for a miracle.

Hear our prayer,

and, in your love,

pick us up

and put us together again.



Claire brings us our Sermon based on Isaiah 61:1-4


Use these words as you gather scattered in your homes and share bread and wine together. We will use these words in our zoom communion at 12.15pm.

Let us gather at our tables with hope.

Our hope is in God - he is our creator and sustainer

Let us gather at our tables with peace

Our peace is in Christ who is Prince of Peace

Let us gather at our tables and embrace life

Our life is made full as the Spirit feeds us and makes us new

God you are our life - our hope - our beginning and end

You mend the hearts of the broken

You set us free from the things that threaten to overcome us

You release us from darkness and bring us to light

You say - this is the time - this is the year!

You comfort us as we sit in sorrow

You provide for us when we grieve

You crown us with beauty

You turn our mourning into joy

And we wear a garment of praise

We cling to your promises

And wait for a Child to lead us

We raise our hearts towards you

And we proclaim your endless glory.

And we remember Jesus

Who put aside the glory who was his

Who taught us how to welcome your mercy

Who did your will and trusted your love

And gave us hope and reason to be joyful

We remember that on the night before he died he met with his disciples

He took bread and gave thanks and he broke it


"Take this, all of you and eat. This is my body, broken for you"

Whenever you do this remember me

And when they were finished eating,

He took the cup, gave thanks and passed it to them


"This is the cup of the new covenant, poured out for you"

Whenever you do this remember me

And so we give thanks (prayers of thanks)

Bread and Wine to be shared

As we look ahead to Christmas

We ask that the joy of the Lord will fill our hearts

As we sit at our own tables

we ask that the joy of the Lord will fill our homes

And we look ahead with hope.

Christ has died

Christ is risen

Christ will come again.

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New Addington Baptist Church, 39 Arnhem Drive, New Addington, Croydon, CR0 0EE

01689 800 291

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