Welcome to our service today. It is our annual covenant service where we expand on our verse for the year and share communion as we recommit ourselves to God and to one another. We will be meeting on zoom to do this at 12.15pm. The link is here. If you cannot make it to zoom the words for covenant and communion are at the end of this service. Don't forget to bring bread and wine.
We're excited that on Saturday 23rd January at 5pm we will be holding our second zoom quiz - a chance to get together with others and have our brains exercised by Vic - it would be lovely to see you there - on the link above. The quiz will last about an hour and will be suitable for all the family. Those who came last time had much quiztastic fun.
Call to Worship - from Gathering for Worship (BUGB) p96
God has made us a people
we have been shaped by God's will
Jesus calls us together
we meet in Jesus' name
The Spirit binds us together:
and leads us into truth
Songs for Worship
Here are our songs for today. You might want to save the last couple for towards the end
Building Shelter
Today is our covenant service. A covenant service is when we promise to follow God and look out for each other as a church family. We also introduce our verse for the year. This year our verse for the year is Psalm 91:2:
"I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom we trust"

As we stay safe at home, the need to know that God is going to protect us will be huge! This Psalm promises us that he will. He will provide a safe space for us. Have a read of the whole of Psalm 91 which can be found here . Stop as you see the places of safety that the writer describes and write them down - how is God being those things for you? How might you find your safe space in God?
If you want to be more active in your response as you think about these questions you might want to actually build a safe space - a fortress - a den - where you can go and find comfort when everything else is hard. It might be in the corner of the house or garden. It might be in the shed if you have one, or in your bedroom, or on the balcony, in a cupboard, or even in your car..... somewhere you can just escape and be with God - a sanctuary.
Who might you invite to find refuge with you if you could? One of the things we do in a covenant service is promise to watch out for and walk with one another. How can you commit to helping others from the church family and wider community as you receive the refuge that God offers?
This video might give you a simple idea for a den - it is in the garden which might not be appropriate right now but you might be able to use these ideas indoors. It might take a while so you might want to use it as a project for the week.
This prayer was written by Phil Jump, Regional Minister Team Leader in the NWBA to help us to pray for the NHS and it has been shared on our church WhatsApp and facebook page during the week. You might want to prayer this prayer, not only for our NHS but also over each other as we think about how we might find a place of refuge in God. Pray for those you know in the church family and community who are facing particular difficulties right now. Pray this prayer for yourself - imagine God speaking these words over you.
May you find the strength and resolve, To continue in the face of all that is being asked of you.
When you’ve done your best and given all that you can, May you be assured that this is all that could have been required.
When you are confronted by the unreasonableness of some, May you constantly be reminded That many, many others appreciate your endeavours more than words can say.
When messages of hope and comfort are required of you May you be granted the words and wisdom that you need.
When you feel broken and drained May you be held fast in the midst of your struggle.
And when you simply cannot respond To all the needs that confront you May your mind dwell on what you have accomplished, And not what you had to leave undone.
So may you find the peace and stillness of heart To rest and recover when your labours subside.
And may our prayers and concern, Be as unrelenting as the demands that you are facing.
Claire brings our sermon based on Psalm 91, which you might want to read before listening to the sermon.
Communion and Covenant
The document below contains the words for Communion and Covenant if you are not able to make zoom today.