Welcome to our Service today. You are welcome to join us on zoom after the service for coffee and mince pies at 12.15pm. The link is here
At 6pm tonight is the New Addington Salvation Army Community Carol Service - the link for 6pm is here https://youtu.be/ex-K5eCSveg - have a watch and join in and see something of what the community has been getting up to in 2020 (it features our own minister, Claire!). We will be following this by Carol singing on zoom at 7pm on the link above - worshipping God together and hearing some readings reflecting on that first Christmas. We'd love you to join us so and have a good sing together. All are welcome.
Tomorrow our Christmas Hampers are being distributed. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to them - it has been amazing! We have had contributions from our Church Family and Friends, New Addington Salvation Army, Waitrose and the Co-op - it has been great to work together with others in our community to be able to bless the households we support each week.
Our services coming up....
Christmas Day 10.30am - On zoom, with resources available online
27th December 11am - Online
31st December 11.30pm - Watchnight Service - on zoom
3rd January 11am - Online
Then the plan is to go back to the routine we began in September of alternate 11am and 3pm family services, dependant on restrictions (evidently the most recent announcement might change that plan). Our first family service of 2021 will be, if it is safe, on 10th January.
Catch up on what Mary and Joseph have been up to this week in the link below
In a different Christmas in a different year we celebrate differently, but however tiny our Christmases are, may they reflect something of the gloriously tiny Christmas that was that first Christmas - when the Word became flesh and moved into the neighbourhood. Pray that God would bless New Addington this Christmas Time.
Irene lights our fourth advent candle and leads us into worship with prayer
Click on the link below for songs for today - you might want to save a couple for the end (apologies for not embedding - that function doesn't seem to be working for playlists right now!)
Your Nativity scene should be nearly finished right now.
This week we are adding two of the main characters to our scene - Mary and Joseph - colour and cut them out as they arrive at the stable.
If you haven't got a copy of the nativity there is still time! Download below and get cutting and colouring....
Watch the video to find out more and for some questions to think about as you are adding to your nativity scene
Our intercessions today are based around Mary's song and are taken from https://engageworship.org/ideas/intercessions-based-marys-song
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour,
for he has looked with favour on the lowliness of his servant.
Take a moment to reflect on this past week – what were the good moments?
The moments that made your spirit rejoice. The moments you can thank and
praise God for.
Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed;
for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and holy is his name.
Spend some time praising God now, lifting up his holy name quietly or aloud.
His mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation.
Now pray quietly or aloud for those who love and serve God around the world;
perhaps mentioning the names of places and communities.
He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the
thoughts of their hearts.
He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the
Let us lift up places and people who are under pressure from “proud”
opponents at the moment, those who need God’s help and strength.
He has filled the hungry with good things, and sent the rich away empty.
He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy,
according to the promise he made to our ancestors, to Abraham and to his
descendants forever.
Lord, help us to hang on to these promises in this coming week.
Help us to keep in mind your presence with us in every situation.
Please nurture in us thankful and appreciative hearts,
and help us to keep in mind those who need lifting up,
in the name of Jesus, Amen.
Enoch brings our reading today - Isaiah 9:1-7
Our Sermon is brought by our minister, Claire - finding hope in the shadows