Welcome to worship this morning. We're thinking about how God is our Rock and reflecting on Psalm 92. After our service today we will meet for coffee and croissants on zoom at 12.15pm. The link is here
For those who are members or regular attenders, there is a new document on our members page which is the half yearly report for our Community Family Project. Please message or ask one of the leaders for the password if you do not know it.
Next week we look forward to welcoming Martin Wright, minister-in-training at Selsdon Baptist Church, who will be launching our new series looking at the book of 1 Peter. You might want to read 1 Peter before next week so you have a general overview.
Call to Worship
Our God is our rock, we take refuge in him!
He is our shield, our strength, our place of safety.
God is the one who saves those who suffer
God is the one who heals those in pain
God is the one who lights our way in the darkness
With our God we can face anything ahead
God's way is perfect, his word is true
The Lord lives! Blessed be our God, our rock, our deliverer.
Songs for Worship
In the link there is a playlist of songs for worship today. You might want to save the last couple for towards the end.
What is God like?
If you had to describe God what words would you use? Watch the video below to hear what some children think.
Take we are thinking about how God is our rock. What properties does a rock have? What does this tell you about God?
Take some time out today or during the week to go rock (stone) hunting. You might have one already in the house. When you have found one clean it, dry it and then decorate it with the words 'God is my rock' and put it somewhere where you will see it to be reminded that you always have him to lean on, our rock.
Simon brings our prayers today
Claire brings our sermon based on Psalm 92. You will find it helpful to read it first. You can find it here