Welcome to worship. During the summer we will be following the themes of our family services through our sermons and online services. We have been exploring the big story of God starting with creation. Today our family service meets in person at 11am and will be looking at when it all went wrong through story, music and activity. This online service looks at where it all began (we'll be finding where it all went wrong next week!). All are welcome to our in person services.
After the service we will meet for a catch up on zoom at 12.30pm. The link is here
Coming Up
4th July - In person service with sermon/replicated online
11th July - In person family service/sermon service online
18th July - In person service with sermon/replicated online
We will continue with alternate family/sermon services during the summer, but the format will depend on the Government Guidelines.
Our Community Cafe continues to be open on Tuesdays 10-12.30 - feel free to drop in for coffee and cake. Our Crafty Needles group also meets on that day.
Poppy Cafe - our mental health and well being support group runs on Wednesdays 10-12 - please get in touch with Jo if you'd like to attend.
We will extend the cafe opening hours as we move into July.
As we come to worship listen to the words of Psalm 24
Songs for today
Here is a playlist of songs for today. You might want to save the last two for before and after the sermon.
Today we are thinking about how God created the world. Watch this video for the story of how it happened in 7 days.
What do you love most about creation? Spend some time today looking at the world around you. Thank God for the things that make you smile.
You might want to write a poem or draw a picture describing your thankfulness for the way in which God created the world.
Prayers (from https://engageworship.org/ideas/creation-groans# )
When sadness triumphs over joy
Creation groans.
When darkness threatens to put out the light:
Creation groans.
When fear knocks at our door:
Creation groans.
When despair threatens to destroy our hope:
Creation groans.
When we hurt each other:
Creation groans.
When our words pull down rather than building up:
Creation groans.
When our actions do not speak of the love of God:
Creation groans.
When our lives fail to reflect the life of the Creator:
Creation groans.
We long for the day when creation is restored
and creation’s groaning comes to an end,
when there will be no more sadness, darkness, fear or despair,
when our lives will speak of you and we see you face to face.
Until then Lord, please forgive us, strengthen us and help us,
to live a little more for you,
and to care for your creation today and in the days ahead. Amen
Pray for the places in the world where you know Creation is groaning. Pray for healing and restoration.
Our sermon today is based on Genesis 1. You may want to read it first. You'll find it here