Welcome to worship. We continue our summer series, exploring the big story of God. This week we look at Exodus 20 and the 10 commandments. We focus particularly on the 4th commandment - why is keeping the sabbath so important?
We are also meeting in person and this online service is a repeat of our in person service. If you are coming in person we would encourage you to wear a mask, particularly for singing.
If you are sharing communion at home, the words for communion are after the sermon.
Coming Up
As the rules changed on the 19th July, click on the link to watch the video for an update for what how we have approached this https://youtu.be/OHN9ujhy4z8
Date for your diary - we are holding a baptismal service on the 19th September
We are running Make Lunch during August on Wednesdays for the families we support through food parcels. If you would like to help with this, please get in touch with Sandra or the Church Office. The first two weeks have gone brilliantly. Please pray for this work as we continue.
Thank you for everyone who supported the Macmillan Coffee Morning last week - we raised over £100 for Macmillan cancer care.
In September we hope to have Sunday Zone up and running. If you would like to volunteer to be a helper in Sunday Zone (no planning involved) then please get in touch - we need people to help out for one Sunday a month. You will need a DBS check. Please get in touch with Claire if you are interested. In September, so long as we are able to run Sunday Zone, we will initially moving back to a pattern of one family service (on the first Sunday of the month) and three services with sermons (which will be online). We hope to bring back first Sunday lunches when things feel a little bit safer.....
22nd August - In person family service (no online service)
29th August - In person and online with sermon
5th September - In person family service (no online service)
12th September - In person and online with sermon and Sunday Zone first day back!
Call to Worship
The Lord is our light and salvation
whom shall we fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of our life
of whom shall we be afraid?
Let us ask one thing of the Lord
that we may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of our lives
to gaze on the beauty of the Lord
and to seek him in his temple
For when there are troubles in life
he will keep us safe in his dwelling
he will hide us in the shelter of his sacred tent
and set us high on the rock
Let us remain confident of this
We will see the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living
Wait for the Lord
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord
Let us worship him.
(based on Psalm 27)
Here are the songs for this week. You may want to save the last two for after the sermon
Our sermon today is based on Exodus 20:1-21. You may want to read it first. You'll find it here
Invitation to the table
As the Israelites wandered in the wilderness, they lost their centre, they lost their reason for their journey. They needed to find their centre again.
As we have wandered through life, sometimes in the wilderness, sometimes with knowledge of the road ahead, we choose to stay centred. As we come to the communion table we find our centre again.
As we pause at this table we gather with others - young and old, from many different nations, in different places, round different tables who choose to call this story their own. All are welcome here, whether you are new on the journey of faith, or whether for you this table is one of many you have gathered with many others. This table reminds us that we are made equal in Christ.
This table tells us how we must live - a life that looks to God and loves our neighbour. A life of sacrifice and a life of great peace. At this table we sabbath together and as we do so we re-commit to walking in the ways that Christ sets before us.
As we pause at this table we remember the story of the Israelites who fled from Egypt to find the promised land and the story of Christ who revealed to us all we need to know dwell in that land. For it is in him that we find the new covenant. A covenant of grace that promises us all freedom as we turn to him.
And so we turn to him now and we spend a moment quietly confessing those times when we have tried to find our own path.
Pause for silent prayer
Our Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and swift in love. Know that you are loved and know that you are forgiven.
Telling the story
On the night that Jesus was betrayed, the disciples sat round the Passover table, remembering the stories of their ancestors, who were rescued from Egypt by so many years ago. They told of how these stories of new beginnings inspired them, remembered the wilderness wanderings and looked ahead to the story they shared of the journey to the promised land.
But then Jesus told them a new story, a story they didn't quite understand yet, but a story that would change their lives forever. This is the story we share at this table. This is the story of a new beginning that is open for us all. It's the story of new covenant. It's the story of freedom through sacrifice.
And Jesus told of that sacrifice. He took bread and he broke it, and when he had handed it to his disciples he said "this is my body broken for you, take, eat and remember me ".
And after supper he took the cup and held it saying "this cup is the cup of the new covenant, sealed by my blood, drink from it all of you, and remember me".
In that moment, in that new story that both continued and began on that day, Jesus offered us all a new life, and as we take this bread and this wine together today, we give thanks.
Prayers of Thanksgiving - take a moment to pray and give thanks.
Sharing of the Bread and Wine
Amongst his friends, Jesus took the bread and he broke it, saying "this is my body broken for you"
Break the bread and eat it
Later, he took the cup of wine and said "this is where you find your new beginning, made possible because of my death, take it, drink it, remember me"
Drink the wine
Closing Prayer
And so as we sabbath together today, we remember the story told then, the story that is ours today. And as we journey on we remember that it is Christ who leads us, and we put our lives in his hands.
From where we are today to where you need us, Lord, lead us on.
From the insecurity of the pandemic, to whatever the new normal is, Lord, lead us on.
From conforming to the patterns of the world to conforming to your way of living, Lord, lead us on.
From restless to restfulness, Lord lead us on.