Welcome to our online service. This service includes some of the elements from our in person service for those who are not able to make it at 11am. We'd encourage you to begin to come back to our in person services if you can. The opportunity to meet together is good for us and helps us on our Christian journey together.
Today we are continuing in our series on Trust. How do we trust in God in his call for us to do good? Claire reflects on Matthew 25:31-46
Sunday Zone is back - our group for children and young people. We do not have a creche at present, but we do have space to play and toys you can bring into the service for your child if you would like.
Although rules have now relaxed, we would ask you if you are coming in person, that you please take care of one another by ensuring you keep others health to the forefront of your minds. We ask you not to attend in person if you are displaying any symptoms of Covid-19 or have tested positive.
After the service we will be having a Church meeting - members are encouraged to attend. All are welcome to stay and hear news on church life and share in prayer and life together. We will be thinking together about what it means to be a church member as we work towards renewing our Church Constitution.
This Week
Our normal groups continue:
Tuesday - Community Cafe open from 10am - 3pm including:
Crafty Needles - 10am - 12pm
Devotions 12pm in the prayer lounge
Chatterbox Stay and Play - 1.15pm - 2.45pm
Wednesday - Poppy Cafe (mental health support group) 10am - 12pm
Devotions 12pm in the prayer lounge
Thursday - Food Parcel Support
Friday - Sew Crafty launches - please pray for this new venture where people will be able to learn how to use sewing machines and be creative. Speak to Jo if you want to find out more.
We will also be holding a prayer meeting as part of the international day of prayer and fasting for Ukraine on Wednesday 2nd March at 1pm - all are welcome to attend. You will also be able to access this on zoom, log in using the usual link - if you do not know what this is and want to attend please message us.
Next Week
Our service will be an all age service so there will be no service online, just in person. We are very excited that we are going to be restarting food on the first Sunday of the month and all are invited to stay for a hot meal. If you want to help out in anyway please speak to Steph or Linda.
Coming Up
Youth Cafe
Next Youth Cafe is on the 13th March 4pm - 5.30pm - a chance to explore faith together - for those of High School Age.
Lent Course
We'll be holding a lent course week beginning 7th March at 8pm on Monday 7th March on zoom and 12pm Wednesday 9th March in the church building. A chance to pause and reflect together throughout lent. "What lies within - finding life in the wilderness". All are welcome.
Call to Worship (Based on Psalm 99)
Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord our God and King!
Glorious and powerful is the God of all creation!
In reverent awe, we gather to worship our God.
The Lord our God is King and the Just Judge
of all things for all eternity, all people and all places.
In reverent awe, we gather to praise our God.
The Lord our God is King and the Forgiving God!
‘Fairness’ and ‘Justice’ are the names of our God.
In reverent awe, we gather to worship God, within
the light of God’s holiness, justice, mercy and love. Amen.
Songs for Today
Here are the songs for today. You might want to play the last two for before and after the sermon
BMS World Mission have asked us to focus our prayers on the situation in Ukraine - click on this link for some prayer points https://www.bmsworldmission.org/news/pray-for-ukraine/?fbclid=IwAR1rx42R0gH9ole8zCz8GTbBblRIHVvGX7XWWF30057y3bIRFWoHUw2rl5U
Claire reflects on Matthew 25:31-46 - you might want to read it first - it's available here