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31st May 2020 - Faith beyond Experience

Writer's picture: Rev ClaireRev Claire

Welcome to our worship service today. Please join us afterwards for coffee on zoom at 12.15pm. The link is here. If you haven't updated zoom in the last two weeks you will need to update otherwise you'll have a delay getting in because the app will automatically update before you can connect.

Today is a year since we lost our brother, Nelson. His loss was difficult for a number of the church family as well as his family and friends and a year on we have thought it would be helpful to make space to reflect and remember together on zoom. As part of the time of remembering we will light candles - in our homes and together which will also be a time to remember all those who we have lost and are grieving for at this time. If you would like to join us for reflection, readings and prayer then we are gathering at 8pm today (31st May) on zoom (see link above). You might find it helpful to have a candle to light as part of the gathering. Please remember in prayer all those who are grieving at this time.

Church members and regular attenders should look out for a letter from Vic in lieu of last weeks cancelled church meeting detailing our current financial position (which would have been discussed at the meeting). This letter will be distributed on WhatsApp, e-mail, facebook or by snail mail, depending on how we are most easily able to contact you! If you do not receive the letter and think you should have please get in touch with Vic.

This week we continue with the work of distributing food from fareshare and we will also meet as leaders for prayer on Tuesday at 6.30pm and for our next Hike through Hebrews Bible Study on zoom on Wednesday at 8pm.


Today is Pentecost and it's normally a great day of celebration where we say Happy Birthday Church and ask for the Holy Spirit to move amongst us and empower us as we continue on our journeys with Christ both as individuals and as a church. Right now, in this time of waiting we might empathise more with the disciples as they sat between the ascension and the day of Pentecost waiting for what might come. As we wait, as we come to worship, let us fix our eyes on Jesus and ask the Holy Spirit to be our guide as we seek out the path ahead.

"And afterwards,

I will pour out my Spirit on all people.

Your sons and daughters will prophesy,

your old men will dream dreams,

your young men will see visions.

Even on my servants, both men and women,

I will pour out my Spirit in those days" Joel 2:28-29

Some songs for today - you might want to save a couple for towards the end of the service.


Here is (a take) on the story of Pentecost in Swedish (sorry Lego) - you might want to read the real story in Acts 2

If you are feeling creative you might want to bake a Pentecost church birthday cake and then perhaps share it with your family or do a doorstep delivery to a neighbour or friend or family member or someone else in the church family! Make sure you take a photo of the cake and send it to Claire before you give it away.

If you are not a baker or haven't got the time why don't you see how many different languages you can find to say hello in? You could make a poster of the words or video of you saying them and share it with others. It might just give us a taste of what it sounded like on Pentecost.


All of our lives have changed in the last eleven weeks or so. Some have felt the impact more than others. Some have stayed home, some have homeschooled, and some have gone to work and many other combinations! Here Mo and Annette lead us in prayer and tell us a bit about what life is like working on the frontline in the hospital. Continue in prayer for Mo and Annette and their family and all those who come to mind as you watch the video.

If you would be happy to share some of your story and points for prayer as part of the service, please get in touch with Claire who will guide you on how to do this!


Here is Claire reflecting on Hebrews 11:13-16

At the end of the sermon Claire refers to a video to watch and listen to the words to respond to what has been said:


May you see opportunities to bring hope, healing and peace where others do not.

May you have the courage to speak up for those that get overlooked.

May you be aware of God's spirit at work in the words you speak,

the safe spaces you create and the relationships that you build.

You are loved by God, may those you encounter know that they are loved too.

by Clare Hooper - published in 'Gathering the Crumbs'

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New Addington Baptist Church, 39 Arnhem Drive, New Addington, Croydon, CR0 0EE

01689 800 291

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