Welcome to our service today on the first Sunday in Advent. The service will be followed by our AGM on zoom at 12.15pm - members should have already handed in their postal votes for the election of Deacons. We'll be reviewing the year 2019-2020, appointing Deacons, Elders and Officers and looking ahead to the future. This will replace our normal zoom coffee time, however, if you are a regular attender, you would be welcome to come and bring your coffee and cake to the meeting. The link is here
Some of you may be wondering about our plans for services as the restrictions of lockdown are lifted - we will be discussing this at our leaders prayer meeting on Tuesday evening and will let you know after that via the normal channels.
Since it is advent there are exciting things coming up - our advent studies continue this week on Monday at 8pm and Wednesday at 10.30am and we have our zoom carol service on 20th December at 7pm..... AND ...... watch the video and read the message below from Simon to find out more......
It's that time again - the New Addington Baptist Church Christmas Party. Although we are unable to meet in person for this, it will not stop us celebrating and partying together. Celebrating our God becoming flesh and moving in the neighbourhood. And partying with the angels as they sing 'Glory to God in the highest'.
We will be having our Church Christmas Party on zoom. There will be fun and games as well as our 'Got Talent' showcase. All are welcome to take part in this. Your act could be a poetry reading or a monologue. It could be a dance or a song. It could be juggling or any other talent act. You can either perform this live on zoom or record it beforehand. If you want to record it, please send you video to simon@newaddingtonbaptistchurch.co.uk. Even if you don't feel up to performing, please do join us together on zoom. Bring your own nibbles!
We'd also like you to meet Mary and Joseph who are off on their travels during Advent. It's going to be a challenging journey this year, and if you want to keep up each day then like our facebook page, or follow us on twitter or instagram (@newaddingtonbaptist). Mary and Joseph are a recently engaged couple and are planning their wedding. It's really hard to know what to do during the pandemic so their zoom discussions get a little fraught at times. Here they are trying to set a date on zoom now lockdown 2 is nearly over. Joseph just wants to get on with it so they can get on with their lives together. Mary is worried that people, like her cousins Elizabeth and Zechariah, will be offended if they are not one of the fifteen. They've given up for a while and are just playing with zoom backgrounds. What do you think they should do?

Grace and Kwadjo light our advent candle with music played by Nana
Songs for today - you might want to save the last two for before and after the sermon
You may have received an advent pack with a nativity to cut out and colour in over advent. If you haven't received one you can download it here. This week you need to make a stable for the characters to live in and colour and cut out the ox, donkey and angel.
As you begin your nativity, watch this video and reflect on the questions at the end.
Prayers (from https://re-worship.blogspot.com/2013/06/a-prayer-for-displaced-lost-and-grieving.html )
Heavenly Father,
who looks with loving compassion on all of your creation,
we lift up our prayers to you. There are so many who have been displaced—
by flood and fire, war and famine. May they be fed and cared for,
and may they find kindness on their journeys. Lead them to a safe place,
to find comfort under the shelter of your wings. May they find their home in you.
For those who have found themselves where they did not expect to be, Oh Lord, hear our prayer. For those who have experienced loss –
of homes, jobs, good health, and of loved ones, May they find your love and the light of your promises
to be enough for the next step. Lead them to a place of hope, to find glimpses of joy in their journey. Bind up their wounds – so tenderly –
and fill them again with your goodness and mercy.
For those who grieve and seek a path forward toward hope, Oh Lord, hear our prayer. For those who have wandered far from you –
who feel forsaken, forgotten, or fearful, May they find that you are not so far off after all. May they trust in your prodigal love, And run into your outstretched arms with joy.
For those who are lost and in need of God’s welcome, Oh Lord, hear our prayer. And lastly, we pray, for those of us who are comfortable –
safe, healthy and secure. We heartily thank you for your many blessings. May we be agents of your blessing to others
as we seek the peace and prosperity of this city. Lead us to those whom you look upon with compassion –
the overworked, the underfed, the neglected and the depressed. Fill us with your grace and mercy and love,
that we may be healers in your name
For those in need of what we have to offer, Oh Lord, hear our prayer.
Our sermon today is based on Hosea 11:1-11 which can be found here. Before you watch the sermon read the reading and watch the song video below.
Claire brings us our sermon